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Doña Perón Ballet by Ballet Hispánico Triumphs in NYC

Ballet Hispánico, the nation’s renowned Latinx dance organization, performed the New York premiere of Doña Perón at New York City Center, April 1-3, 2022.
Choreographed by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa to music by Peter Salem, Doña Perón is the first full evening-length work commissioned by the Company.
It is a riveting and mesmerizing production, a visually stunning depiction of the life and times of legendary Eva “Evita” Perón. Rarely can a dance tell such a compelling story as the rise of Evita from an illegitimate farmer’s daughter to Argentina’s First Lady, and eventually to her untimely death at the age of 33.
From the powerful opening scene showcasing Eva Peron’s adulation by the people, to the final curtain the production is spellbinding and exhilareting.
The choreography transitions from powerful ensemble show stoppers, to lyrical duets, to tangos and waltzes, in perfect sync and harmony with the Argentinian inspired music. The costumes, lights and the sets complement the powerful dance sequences.
Well deserved standing ovations!!!
The performance was part of the City Center Dance Festival which celebrates New York companies making their return to the City Center stage after more than two years away. We are sure this ballet will be one of @BalletHispanico signature pieces for years to come.

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