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Spend A Night at the American Museum of Natural History

Spend a night at the Museum of Natural History…

As the doors close and the lights dim, you and your group will head out with flashlights in search of adventures. Meet your relatives in the Hall of Human Origins. Stand beneath a fearsome T. rex. Explore live-animal exhibitions with Museum guides or encounter live animals—bats, wolves, birds of prey—and learn  about their habitats. Then watch a special movie at the 3-D Theater before the night comes to a close. Settle down beneath the 94-foot-long blue whale, next to African elephants, or at the base of a volcanic formation and fall asleep in the darkened halls of the museums.

Space is limited and dates sell out quickly. For availability information and purchases call Central Reservations at 212-769-5200, Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Cost is 
$145 per person 
$135 for members and 
$125 for groups of 15+. Admission includes evening snack and light breakfast,
 cots for all participants,
 fossil fact-finding mission by flashlight, film, 
live-animal special exhibition or live-animal presentation and 
take home activities.
